Your client's investment property is there to grow their wealth. Provide them with an income and grow in value as an asset.

It is also at risk from damage caused by their tenants and from natural perils. Damage to their property is expensive to rectify and could cause a loss in rental income resulting from the damage.

With premiums starting at just $390.50 inclusive of all fees and charges, it's peace of mind protection for your client's asset.

Landlord Insurance

Landlord and Building Insurance

This covers you for tenant related risks to the building and contents of your property. It is particularly suitable to landlords in strata properties.

This combines Landlord & Building insurance to give you comprehensive protection for your investment property. It is particularly suitable to landlords with stand-alone properties.

Flood cover is optional and subject to underwriting criteria acceptance

Accidental loss or damage caused by tenants

  • Up to $60,000 sum insured for your contents. Higher limits available.
  • Up to $60,000 sum insured for buildings if not insured under building section of the policy.

Accidental damage to contents

  • Up to the sum insured for your contents.
  • Up to the sum insured for your building.

Theft, attempted theft or burglary by tenants

  • Up to $60,000 for loss or damage resulting from theft.

Theft, attempted theft or burglary by tenants

  • Up to the sum insured for your contents.
  • Up to 10% of the sum insured for your building.

Malicious acts by tenants

  • Up to $60,000 for damage to contents and buildings if not insured under the Building section of this policy.

Malicious acts by tenants

  • Up to the sum insured for your contents.
  • Up to the sum insured for your building.

Deliberate damage by tenants

  • Up to $60,000 sum insured for your contents.

Deliberate damage by tenants

  • Up to the sum insured for your contents.
  • Up to the sum insured for your building.

Professional fees

  • Up to 10% of the sum insured for your building.

Removal of debris

  • Up to $6,000 for your contents.

Removal of debris

  • Up to $6,000 for your contents.
  • Up to 10% of the sum insured for your building.

Authority fees

  • Up to 10% of the sum insured for your building.

Exploratory costs

  • Up to $5,000 to find the cause of loss or damage.

Lock and keys

  • Up to $1,000 if your keys are stolen to re-key or replace locks on external doors and windows.

Lock and keys

  • Up to $1,000 if your keys are stolen to re-key or replace locks on external doors and windows.

Landscaping, trees, plants and shrubs

  • Up to $2,000 for the reasonable costs of replacement under the buidling section of the policy.

Loss of metered water or gas

  • Up to $500 for the cost of lost metered water or gas.

Rainwater tank

  • Up to $1,500 towards a new tank if we replace the building.

Solar panels

  • Up to $2,000 towards a solar heating system if we replace the building.

Mortgage discharge costs

  • Up to $5,000 for fees associated with the discharge of a mortgage/s if we have paid the full sum insured for your building.

Temporary Repairs

  • Under the contents cover, the insurers will also pay the reasonable costs of temporary repairs and protection necessary to prevent further loss or damage to your property.

Temporary Repairs

  • Under the contents cover, the insurers will also pay the reasonable costs of temporary repairs and protection necessary to prevent further loss or damage to your property.

Fumigation Costs

  • Up to $5,000 for fumigation following the death of a person in your building.

Fumigation Costs

  • Up to $5,000 for fumigation following the death of a person in your building.

Contents in the open air

  • Up to 10% of the contents sum insured other than:
    cash and negotiable documents - $50 any one claim; or
    theft claims - $5,000 any one claim.

Contents in the open air

  • Up to 10% of the contents sum insured other than:
    cash and negotiable documents - $50 any one claim; or
    theft claims - $5,000 any one claim.

Tax audit cover

  • $5,000 for costs incurred as a result of an investigation or audit for the insured investment property.

Tax audit cover

  • $5,000 for costs incurred as a result of an investigation or audit for the insured investment property.

Pet Damage

  • Pet damage – up to $500 for your contents.

Pet Damage

  • Pet damage – up to $500 for your contents and/or up to $500 for your building.

Regulations and By-laws

  • Following a claim under this section for which We have agreed to cover You, We will also pay the additional costs of complying with changed government or local authority regulations or by-laws.

Unlawful substances

  • $25,000 in one period of insurance for loss or damage caused by chemical contamination, or the sum insured for your contents for loss or damage caused by fire or explosion.

Unlawful substances

  • $25,000 in one period of insurance for loss or damage to your building caused by chemical contamination, or the sum insured for your contents for loss or damage caused by fire or explosion.
  • $25,000 in one period of insurance for loss or damage to your contents caused by chemical contamination, or the sum insured for your building for loss or damage caused by fire or explosion.

Electric Motor Burnout

  • $2,000 to repair or replace an electric motor that forms part of your contents and is burnt out by electric current at your address.

Electric Motor Burnout

  • $2,000 to repair or replace an electric motor that forms part of your building and is burnt out by electric current at your address.
  • $2,000 to repair or replace an electric motor that forms part of your contents and is burnt out by electric current at your address.

Loss of rent following insured loss or damage

  • Up to 52 weeks if your building becomes unliveable for a minimum of 7 consecutive days as a result of insured loss or damage.

Loss of rent following insured loss or damage

  • Up to 52 weeks if your building becomes unliveable for a minimum of 7 consecutive days as a result of insured loss or damage.

Loss of rent following prevention of access

  • Up to 52 weeks if you are prevented from accesing your building due to damage in the near vicinity
  • Up to 52 weeks if your building becomes uninhabitable on the insurction of a government authority due to the outbreak of a contagion at your building.
  • Does not cover Loss of rent arising from or in any way connected with the existence or suspected existence of any infectious disease defined as a listed human disease under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and subsequent amendments or replacement legislation.

Loss of rent following prevention of access

  • Up to 52 weeks if you are prevented from accesing your building due to damage in the near vicinity
  • Up to 52 weeks if your building becomes uninhabitable on the insurction of a government authority due to the outbreak of a contagion at your building.
  • Does not cover Loss of rent arising from or in any way connected with the existence or suspected existence of any infectious disease defined as a listed human disease under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and subsequent amendments or replacement legislation.

Reletting expenses

  • Up to $500 for reasonable reletting expenses.

Reletting expenses

  • Up to $500 for reasonable reletting expenses.

Tenant default

  • Up to 20 weeks rent paid or $10,000 whichever is the lesser if your tenant defaults on their rent or if they refuse to vacate the premises. Max $1,000 per week unless specified.

Tenant default

  • Up to 20 weeks rent paid or $10,000 whichever is the lesser if your tenant defaults on their rent or if they refuse to vacate the premises. Max $1,000 per week unless specified.

Loss of rent following tenant eviction

  • 20 weeks rent up to a maximum of $10,000 per week or as listed in the schedule.

Loss of rent following tenant eviction

  • 20 weeks rent up to a maximum of $10,000 per week or as listed in the schedule.

Loss of rent following tenant eviction

  • Up to 20 weeks rent up to a maximum of $10,000, whichever is the lesser per tenancy when your tenant refuses to vacate your building after being served an order of eviction from a court of tribunal.

Loss of rent following tenant eviction

  • Up to 20 weeks rent up to a maximum of $10,000, whichever is the lesser per tenancy when your tenant refuses to vacate your building after being served an order of eviction from a court of tribunal.

Legal expenses

  • Up to $5,000 towards legal expenses for loss of rent due to tentnat default of legal eviction of a Tenant.

Legal expenses

  • Up to $5,000 towards legal expenses for loss of rent due to tentnat default of legal eviction of a Tenant.

Reletting expenses

  • Up to $500 in any one period of insurance for reasonable reletting expenses in excess of the bond once the bond has been exhausted.

Reletting expenses

  • Up to $500 in any one period of insurance for reasonable reletting expenses in excess of the bond once the bond has been exhausted.

Legal liability

  • Up to $20 million for legal liability to pay compensation for personal injury or property damage happening during the period of insurance and caused by an occurrence at your address in connection with your ownership of the building and/or contents.

Legal liability

  • Up to $20 million for legal liability to pay compensation for personal injury or property damage happening during the period of insurance and caused by an occurrence at your address in connection with your ownership of the building and/or contents.

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